• Theresa Lükenwerk The Bubble on the Beach Ball

Theresa Lükenwerk The Bubble on the Beach Ball

At first sight the drawn world of Theresa Lükenwerk (*1963) looks like bad printing – like yellowing prints with incomplete grid patterns and fading colours. And the artist does in fact show us the banal contemporary image world. The originals for Lükenwerk’s drawings come from every nook and cranny of the printed sphere, from magazines and catalogues, from advertising, science and fashion. Her models are prints – which aren’t image-set, however, but drawn. The unique magic of her drawings comes from the operations with which she creates them: Lükenwerk draws what in offset is printed. She adapts the method of offset printing and repeats an industrial process by hand. Layer by layer, colour by colour. So labour intensively and lost to the world that it recalls the work of the monastic copyists – but also of modern monks in their secluded chambers, holding out against the industrial avalanche in their own handwritten transcripts, paying with their own time. And through this act, through this quasi medieval production method, these drawings become an event. The technical regression leads to a depictive deceleration, a slowing-down in an era of scan and jpeg. This downshift clearly shows that Lükenwerk doesn’t operate like the new archivists of the visual world, who enter it whole into their computers. She’s more of an archaeologist, who meticulously reconstructs the image world of a long-gone epoch layer by layer – with the difference that the epoch she puts together begins at her own front door. In a single drawing she retrieves the entire visible world. Not to reconstruct the visual world with a programme, but to reconstruct the programme of the entire printed image world in a single image, that would be Lükenwerk’s project.

Softcover 30 x 24 cm 64 pages 125 color illustrations English, German Available ISBN 978-3-939583-16-5 2007


Knut Ebeling

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