• Kunsthalle Mannheim Skulptur Pur!

Kunsthalle Mannheim Skulptur Pur!

How do we perceive sculptures? How do they transform spaces? The interdisciplinary symposium Skulptur pur, which took place during the exhibition Nur Skulptur! at the Kunsthalle Mannheim tried to shed light on these and other questions. Based on works from the museum's collection, the symposium presented current research on sculpture in the fields of art history, media and image scholarship, and psychology. Taken together, these reflections open up new perspectives and insights on the presentation, perception, and mediation of sculptural artworks. The exhibition centered on Mannheim's own collection of sculpture, which offers a noteworthy overview of works ranging from the modernist period to the twenty-first century. With 431 works, from Auguste Rodin to Henry Moore to Thomas Hirschhorn, the Kunsthalle used its considerable resources to interpret – in collaboration with Bogomir Ecker and his sculptor colleagues John Bock, Thomas Hirschhorn, Thomas Rentmeister, Roman Signer, and Kiki Smith – approximately half of the holdings from a contemporary point of view.

Hardcover 17 x 24 cm 144 pages 90 b/w illustrations German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-487-4 2014


Ulrike Lorenz, Stefanie Patruno, Christoph Wagner


Thierry Dufrêne, Mark William Greenlee, Arie Hartog, Petra Jansen, Ulrike Lorenz, Johannes Myssok, Stefanie Patruno, Peter Schneemann, Christoph Wagner, Monika Wagner, Christian Wolff, Christoph Zuschlag


Kehrer Design

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