• Susanne Weirich searchviews

Susanne Weirich searchviews

Susanne Weirich reorders the world: a computer game is used to generate six "real films": existentially momentous situations such as a separation mutate into casual notes on Post-Its; the prophecies on Tarot cards are transformed into an interactive game. Since life (unfortunately? luckily?) does not work according to a hard and fast set of rules, the artist gathers certain elements from it and groups them in new arrangements to create games for which rules are essential. She then examines these fragments of reality under these new conditions. In the process, Weirich ultimately carries the principle of all art to its logical conclusion: deconstructing the world and putting it back together again under artificial conditions in order to glean its rules.

Softcover with audio-CD 23,5 x 29,5 cm 112 pages 77 color illustrations English, German Available ISBN 978-3-86828-012-8 2008


Susanne Weirich


Ernest W. Uthemann


Knut Ebeling, Georg Stanitzek, Ernest W. Uthemann, Karin Bruns, Doris Kolesch, Doris von Drathen

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